Low growth hormone - Hormone Harmony

Low growth hormone, or growth hormone deficiency, is a condition where the pituitary gland does not produce enough growth hormone (GH). GH is essential for growth and cell reproduction and has important effects on metabolism, muscle and bone strength. Some common symptoms of low GH include:

Causes for low GH levels can include: Low GH can substantially reduce one's quality of life. The good news is treatment is available. At Hormone Harmony our experts specialize in growth hormone deficiency diagnosis and treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs. If low GH is suspected, an endocrinologist will run medical tests to confirm the diagnosis. The most common test is an insulin-induced hypoglycemia test that assesses the pituitary's GH response. There are also tests to measure IGF-1 levels, which fall when GH is deficient. Once diagnosed, GH can be replaced through daily injections of biosynthetic human GH. Most patients respond very well, reporting improved energy, body composition, bone strength, and sense of wellbeing. At Hormone Harmony we educate and empower our patients on GH therapy. With an individualized regimen, close monitoring, and compassionate care, our goal is to optimize treatment benefits so patients can thrive physically and emotionally. We've seen many grateful patients get their quality of life back through GH replacement under our clinic's supervision. I hope this overview on low GH was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions. Wishing you good health on your journey.

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